Bibliografía para mi charla en CCC


Telesur: Media Experts Criticize Ecuadorean NGO for Political Posturing
16 September 2015

“A wide range of media experts criticized Tuesday the Ecuadorean non-governmental organization Fundamedios for taking political stances against the government of Rafael Correa, supporting opposition groups, and breaking away from its mandate.

“If (Fundamedios) was not politicized and its role was the broad and impartial dissemination of communication, information and opinion, their blogs and their website would accommodate diverse political opinions in the country.”

Julian Assange Slams Fundamedios

“The critiques against Fundamedios are not new. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange rejected the Perfil Freedom of Expression award in 2012 because Perfil intended to concurrently award Fundamedios’ director that year.

“Fundamedios specializes in (impeding) the Ecuadorian government’s attempts at breaking up Ecuadorian media oligopolies. Most of these oligopolies have traditionally been close to the U.S. government and have engaged in frequent acts of journalistic corruption …  ‘Fundamedios’, which is also funded by these same oligopolies, simply has little credibility,” said Assange in 2012.

John Oliver speaks about Ecuador on Last Week Tonight
February 8, 2015

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Foreign Policy: Free Speech Crackdown, Ecuador Edition
Sept. 21, 2015

“However, the (2013 Communications Law) also included a ban on “media lynching,” a requirement that all news coverage be “verified, balanced, contextualized and opportune,” and a “right to correction” for anyone who feels they have been treated unfairly by the press. The vague nature of the law has worked to the government’s benefit: According to Lauria, it has allowed the government to issue more than 100 sanctions against media companies and journalists in the past two years.

“On Sunday, July 5, hackers infiltrated the Italian information-technology companyHacking Team (HT), which sells offensive intrusion and surveillance software to government clients all over the world. The data breach revealed 400 gigabytes worth of company documents, emails, and invoices — many of them billed to Latin-American governments, including Ecuador.+

“According to the leaked records, the National Intelligence Secretariat of Ecuador (SENAIN) has been on Hacking Team’s client list since 2013. The documents show President Rafael Correa’s government paid more than half a million dollars for the company’s Remote Control System surveillance software, which cost another US$75,000 annually for maintenance.”

Packrat: Seven Years of a South American Threat Actor
December 8, 2015

“This report describes an extensive malware, phishing, and disinformation campaign active in several Latin American countries, including Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, and Brazil. The nature and geographic spread of the targets seems to point to a sponsor, or sponsors, with regional, political interests. The attackers, whom we have named Packrat, have shown a keen and systematic interest in the political opposition and the independent press in so-called ALBA countries (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas), and their recently allied regimes. These countries are linked by a trade agreement as well as a cooperation on a range of non-financial matters.
After observing a wave of attacks in Ecuador in 2015, we linked these attacks to a campaign active in Argentina in 2014. The targeting in Argentina was discovered when the attackers attempted to compromise the devices of Alberto Nisman and Jorge Lanata. Building on what we had learned about these two campaigns, we then traced the group’s activities back as far as 2008.
The Guardian: Ecuador spied on Amazon oil plan opponents, leaked papers suggest
August 3, 2015
“Ecuadorian spies may have broken the law by obtaining personal information on MPs, environmentalists, indigenous groups, human rights activists, academics and political opponents of president Rafael Correa who opposed the exploitation of oil from an Amazonian wilderness, according to leaked papers.
Nearly 200 pages of internal documents that appear to be from Ecuador’s spy agency, the Secretaría Nacional de Inteligencia, seen by the Guardian, show that information was collected between 2010 and 2013 about bank accounts, debts, the value of people’s cars, foreign travel and partners.

“The documents, marked secret, include emails, photographs taken at rallies and public meetings, aerial photos of demonstrations and the suspected political and financial links between different groups and individuals. There are also attempts to trace the foreign sources of finance for NGOs and indigenous organisations.”


Fiscalía pidió a Arcotel una auditoría a Senain
22 July, 2015

“La Fiscalía General del Estado no investigará a la Secretaría Nacional de Inteligencia (Senain) por la supuesta adquisición de equipos de espionaje a la empresa italiana Hacking Team, según documentos filtrados por WikiLeaks.

“Ayer, Galo Chiriboga dijo que tuvo una reunión con el secretario de inteligencia, Rommy Vallejo, y este le aseguró que no hay un vínculo con esta firma. “¿Qué investigación puedo hacer si Senain me informa que no hay contrato con esta empresa?”, dijo el fiscal.

Periodismo en tiempos de revolución | Programa 31 | Visión 360 II temporada
26 October 2015

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3;

Resumen del Enlace ciudadano 433, desde Archidona, Napo
18 July, 2015

“Hoy la nueva Ley de Seguridad es acorde a la Constitución de Montecristi y tiene todos los controles democráticos del caso. Prohibido olvidar. Otro ejemplo, cuando yo llegué, teníamos que prestar equipos a Colombia si queríamos interceptar una llamada telefónica, etc. Entonces se había iniciado, desde antes de mi Gobierno, un proyecto para nosotros tener los equipos. Se llamaba el proyecto Libertador, pero adivinen quiénes lo financiaban nuevamente, la Embajada de Estados Unidos, y querían condicionarnos, que ellos calificaban al director y que ellos tenían las claves fuentes. Eso hubiera estado listo si yo me sometía en el 2009-2010. Pero dijimos no, aquí se va a respetar la soberanía del país. Hicimos el Plan Soberanía, pagado absolutamente por el pueblo ecuatoriano y recién pudo funcionar en 2012. Desde 2012 tenemos nuestros equipos para poder luchar contra el crimen organizado, lavado de dinero, secuestro, etc.”

Rommy Vallejo en la SENAIN ordena el espionaje filas adentro de la Revolución

“Como era de esperarse el arribo de un policía a la SIN (exSENAIN) trajo no solo sus amistades, entre ellas a varios delincuentes procesados como el Ing. Omar Unda, quien está ampliamente vinculado al “Caso DUZAC” y quien hoy se encargaría de las finanzas de la Secretaría de Inteligencia; sino que junto con el arribaron viejas costumbres represivas.

“Así lo demuestra el estreno de la SIN con un flamante informe ordenado por su “Secretario”, el Coronel. Rommy Vallejo a su mano derecha en el cual ordenó hacer inteligencia sobre los miembros del Tribunal Contencioso Electoral (TCE), los jueces; Catalina Castro, Presidenta; Patricio Baca, Vicepresidente; Miguel Pérez, Juez; Guillermo González, Juez; y, Patricia Zambrano, Jueza, todos ellos con una posición cercana a la línea de gobierno., siendo el mismo remitido al Presidente Correa.”


Letter to Netzpolitik: